SJCA Funding Opportunities Vol. 6
February 10, 2023
See all current listings at https://www.sjca.net/learn/resource-library/
- The NJ State Council on the Arts has its Special Initiative Grant FY23 Guidelines and Application Now Available! | Applications Due: March 16th, 2023
- FY24 Cultural Trust Capital Historic Preservation Grants | Applications Now Open| Cultural Trust Qualification Submission Due: February 17, 2023, | Sage Submission Deadline: April 4, 2023
- There are only two Ocean First Grant Q&A Sessions left! Don't miss out on this great information session. | February 16th – Virtual, February 23rd – Toms River, 975 Hopper Ave | Reserve your spot by calling 732-341-4676 or Lisa at info@oceanfirstfdn.org
- Ocean First Foundation has several grants available due in March. Don’t lose any more time; check them out and apply here.
- The Russel J. Efros Foundation Sprout Fund directly supports visual and performing artists. Funding will not go out until this June. Apply now!
- SouthArts Jazz Road Tour grant cycle closes on March 8th! Jazz Road Tours supports small, three- to six-site tours at various venue types, often in rural communities and other areas traditionally underserved by the genre. Apply now!
- The Scripps Howard Fund is providing Journalism Grants that will support to journalism education that gives students hands-on experience as well as training to help professional journalists refresh their skill sets.