Organization Training Opportunities
New Jersey State Council on the Arts | Free Webinar Watch Party Series on Financial Management for NJ Arts Nonprofits | Join New Jersey State Council on the Arts, Nonprofit Finance Fund, and other nonprofit leaders for a Webinar Watch Party series on key financial management concepts for arts nonprofits! | February 12, 2025 @ 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Understanding Your Mission/Money Mix | Register.
Compass Pro Bono | Get Free Support for Your Organization | Compass Pro Bono provides free resources and consultations on topics such as strategic planning, nonprofit management, and more. | More information and registration.
Art Equity | Everyday Justice | Everyday Justice is a two-day training designed to provide a framework and baseline analysis for antiracism strategies and action. As a member of an ever-changing community, what is your role? What is your responsibility for social change? Where do you have agency? Sharpen your analysis today! | Date & Time: March 7 + 10, 2025: 10 a.m.–2 p.m. PT / 1 p.m.–5 p.m. ET | More information and registration.
Springboard for the Arts | Art-Train: Professional Development Opportunities for Artists and Organizations | Art-Train is a virtual technical assistance program for artists, municipal agencies, and community-focused organizations in all sectors, in communities of all sizes across the nation. Trainings are free for artists and for Native, Black, Indigenous and People of Color-led and focused community-based organizations. We have a sliding scale fee for other organizations and agencies. | More information here.
Springboard for the Arts | Upcoming Webinars | Springboard for the Arts has several upcoming webinars focusing on funding, grant writing, writing artist statements, and more. | More information here.
GrantStation | Awareness to Action: A Guide for Boards and Chief Executives on a Racial Equity Journey | Are you looking to center racial equity in your boardroom? If so, you might want to read Awareness to Action: A Guide for Boards and Chief Executives on a Racial Equity Journey. Published by BoardSource, this guide is designed to meet boards where they are in their racial equity journey and provide action steps that boards can take to enhance their efforts. | Find guide here.
New Jersey Center for Nonprofits | Upcoming Webinars | Looking to expand your organization’s knowledge, capabilities, and resources? The New Jersey Center for Nonprofits has a lineup of upcoming webinars to help you achieve your organizational goals. | More information and registration.
Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts | Succession Planning for Cultural Institutions: 2 Webinars Available | This program of the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts is provided with generous support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. 2 webinars are now available to view: Part One | Research Findings | Part Two | Resource Roadmap | More information available here.
Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts | Cultural Stewardship Succession Planning Initiative | The Cultural Stewardship Succession Planning Initiative is a two-year project of CCAHA, in partnership with Lyrasis, created to actively address the need for leadership development and knowledge transfer in the cultural heritage workforce. Funded by a National Leadership Grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the initiative will gather data and build professional development resources to support succession planning for cultural stewardship staff and volunteers. As succession planning is a critical instrument in addressing a long-term shift at cultural heritage organizations toward greater diversity, equity, and inclusion, the suite of resources will promote strategies to keep these important concerns at the forefront during times of transition. As service providers to the country’s cultural heritage collecting institutions, CCAHA and Lyrasis have long recognized the need for succession planning, especially in smaller organizations with fewer resources. CCAHA and Lyrasis will utilize a series of small group listening sessions to learn about successful succession planning strategies and pathways that have proven more challenging for institutions in the project’s target group. | Upcoming events and previously recorded webinars can be found here.
NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development | SkillUp NJ: Free Online Learning | New Jersey workers – whether or not they are currently unemployed – can now access more than 5,000 free online Skillsoft courses via the SkillUp New Jersey training program. Courses are offered in a variety of high-demand industry sectors, including information technology, business analysis, customer service, project management, and digital literacy. Visit the website for more information. | SkillUp NJ Website
dPlan | ArtsReady | Arts organizations, sign up for a free year of dPlan|ArtsReady!!
With support from the Mellon Foundation, we are able to provide a limited number of free one year subscriptions to dPlan|ArtsReady so performing arts organizations can develop readiness plans. | Read more about dPlan|ArtsReady here. | Apply here.
New Jersey Association of Museums | Artifact Assessment Program | The New Jersey Association of Museum offers a free program to museums wishing to assess the policy, management, and care of their artifact collections. For more information about the Artifact Assessment Program, visit their website.
RevolutionNJ | Become a Proud Partner! | As New Jersey plans to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States of America, we aim to create a statewide experience that invites participation from everyone. We invite all organizations to join us in this endeavor by submitting an application to become a RevolutionNJ Partner. Click here to get started. | More information and application.