Organization Funding
Funding Opportunities
New Jersey Historical Commission | County History Grant FY25 Program Guidelines | The County History Partnership Program (CHPP) was created in 2015 to extend local regranting programs to all of the state’s twenty-one counties. The program enables the NJHC to support both existing and emerging local history organizations and practitioners serving diverse audiences. Through the partnership with county re-granting agencies, NJHC support can more effectively reach history organizations, and projects in communities throughout the state. In addition to re-grant funding, counties may apply for their operational costs and programming related to New Jersey history. | Guidelines available here.
New Jersey Economic Development Authority | Activation, Revitalization, and Transformation Program Phase II Grants Now Open | The NJEDA began accepting applications for the competitive grant program, – Public Space Activation Product (“Program”) on Tuesday, September 26, 2024, at 10:00 AM EST. Applications will be accepted during a competitive window. | Deadline: November 25th at 5pm EST | Application and information.
Gloucester County Cultural & Heritage Commission | Grant Applications for the 2025 Cycle- Deadlines Approaching | Deadline for the 2025 Grant Applications is Friday, October 25 at 5:00 PM | All information on deadlines and guidelines available here.
Atlantic County Office of Cultural and Heritage Affairs | 2025 Arts and History Grants Now Open | Applications for the 2025 Atlantic County arts and history grants are now available through the Atlantic County Office of Cultural and Heritage Affairs. The deadline for submission of all grant applications is October 11.
MidAtlantic Arts | USArtists International Grants | USArtists International® supports in-person performances by artists from any state or territory in the U.S. at engagements at international festivals, global presenting arts markets, and other eligible engagements outside of the United States. The program funds individuals and ensembles across all performing arts practices and disciplines. Mid Atlantic Arts is committed to the development and expansion of both the careers and artistic goals of U.S. performers by providing connections to audiences, presenters, curators, and their peers through the USAI program. By elevating the voices that reflect a vibrant array of creative expression, we are able to celebrate and share the diversity and imagination of the United States. | Deadline: February 26th, 2025. | Application and information.
MidAtlantic Arts | Cultural Sustainability Grants- New Program Opening Soon | Cultural Sustainability, a new grant program offered by the six U.S. Regional Arts Organizations (USRAOs) in partnership with The Wallace Foundation, provides general operating support to arts organizations rooted in communities of color with annual operating expenses under $500,000. Mid Atlantic Art’s Cultural Sustainability program will open in October 2024. Please contact culturalsustainability@midatlanticarts.org to receive a notification when the grant guidelines and application post. | More information here.
Aliph Foundation | International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas Grant | The International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas (ALIPH) is an international cooperation initiative that supports projects that protect and rehabilitate cultural heritage threatened or damaged by conflict or climate change in vulnerable countries. Through the current call for proposals, which prioritizes projects in Africa, funding will be provided to projects addressing the intersection of climate change and cultural heritage across three categories of projects: 1) protection, conservation, and rehabilitation; 2) capacity-building and knowledge transfer; and 3) actionable research. Successful proposals will integrate at least one of these types of initiatives, with priority given to projects integrating more than one of the themes. (Projects within ALIPH’s traditional mission that fall outside the priority themes for this call will also be considered, including those focused on climate change in other areas and conflicts worldwide.) Eligible applicants include non-governmental and civil society organizations, heritage protection institutions, private organizations, universities, and research centers. | Geographic scope is primarily Africa. | Deadline: November 21st, 2024 | More information and application.
Bloomberg Philanthropies | Asphalt Art Initiative Grants | Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Asphalt Art Initiative provides support for arts-driven street redesigns that improve safety, revitalize public spaces, and engage local communities. The Initiative’s current funding round will award ten grants of up to $100,000 each, as well as provide on-call technical assistance and impact evaluation support, to cities in Canada, Mexico, and the United States with populations of 50,000 or more. The focus is on large-scale projects that will make important streets safer and more accessible, create significant new public spaces, or enact other similarly transformative roadway redesigns. Applicants must include a lead city agency which is the primary government agency with oversight of the project. Applicant teams are encouraged to include collaborative partners, such as other city agencies, nonprofit community or arts organizations, or individual artists or consultants. | Deadline: January 31, 2025 | Application and information.
The Teagle Foundation | Transfer Pathways to the Liberal Arts | The Teagle Foundation works to support and strengthen liberal arts education in the United States. The Foundation’s Transfer Pathways to the Liberal Arts initiative, jointly sponsored with the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, aims to bring the lifelong benefits of a liberal arts education to students who historically have been excluded from higher education—including low-income students, first-generation students, students of color, and immigrant students—who now constitute the “new majority” of undergraduates and depend on community college as their gateway to higher education. Support is provided for statewide, regional, or consortial academic partnerships between public two-year and private four-year colleges to facilitate transfer and completion of the baccalaureate in the liberal arts. The focus is on building comprehensive curricular frameworks between community colleges and independent colleges and ensuring alignment in learning objectives between lower and upper division coursework, transferability and applicability of credits, and timely completion of the baccalaureate in the liberal arts. | Deadline: The last concept paper deadline for 2024 is December 1, 2024 | Application and information.
Google Ad Grants | Grants For Nonprofits | Google Ad Grants equip nonprofits with up to $10,000 per month of free search advertising. Google search ads can be used to raise awareness, attract donors, and recruit new volunteers. To get started, apply for Google for Nonprofits. Once verified, you’ll be able to activate Google Ad Grants.
Awesome Foundation | Awesome Grants | The Awesome Foundation accepts applications from individuals, groups, and organizations for $1,000 micro-grants toward an “awesome” project. | Deadline is ongoing. | Application and information.
National Archives | Archival Projects Grants | The NHPRC seeks archival projects that will significantly improve online public discovery and use of historical records collections. | Deadline: November 7th, 2024. | More information and application.
National Endowment for the Humanities | Collaborative Research Program | The Collaborative Research program aims to advance humanistic knowledge by supporting teams of scholars working on a joint endeavor leading to a manuscript for print publication or to a digital product. | Deadline: November 20. | Application and information.
National Endowment for the Humanities | Humanities Research Centers on AI Program | The Humanities Research Centers on Artificial Intelligence program aims to support a more holistic understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) in the modern world through the creation of new humanities research centers on artificial intelligence at eligible institutions. | Optional draft due: October 2. | Deadline: December 11. | Application and information.
National Endowment for the Humanities | Public Humanities Projects Program | The Public Humanities Projects program supports projects that bring the ideas of the humanities to life for general audiences through public programming. | Optional draft due: December 4. | Deadline: January 8. | Application and information.|
National Endowment for the Humanities | Media Projects Program | The Media Projects program supports the development, production, and distribution of radio programs, podcasts, documentary films, and documentary film series that engage general audiences with humanities ideas in creative and appealing ways. | Optional draft due: December 4. | Deadline: January 8. | Application and information.
National Endowment for the Humanities | Digital Humanities Advancement Grants | The Digital Humanities Advancement Grants program supports work that is innovative, experimental, and contributes to the critical infrastructure that underpins scholarly research, teaching, and public programming in the humanities. | Optional draft due: November 13. | Deadline: January 9. | Application and information.
National Endowment for the Humanities | Preservation Assistance Grants | The Preservation Assistance Grants help small and mid-sized organizations preserve and manage humanities collections by building their capacity to identify and address physical and intellectual preservation risks. | Deadline: January 9. | Application and information.
National Endowment for the Humanities | Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections Program | The Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections program supports the preservation of humanities collections for future generations through environmentally sustainable preventive care strategies to reduce energy consumption and costs as well as to strengthen institutional resiliency in the face of a changing climate. | Anticipated deadline: January 10. | Application and information.
National Endowment for the Humanities | National Digital Newspaper Program | The National Digital Newspaper Program aims to create a national digital resource of historically significant newspapers published between 1690 and 1963, from all the states and U.S. jurisdictions. | Optional draft due: December 2. | Deadline: January 10. | Application and information.
History Organizations
Institute of Museum and Library Services | Museum Grants for African American History and Culture | The Museum Grants for African American History and Culture program supports projects that nurture museum professionals, build institutional capacity, and increase access to museum and archival collections at African American museums and Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Projects designed to build the capacity of African American museums may involve increasing the number of museum professionals working at African American museums to enable the museum to expand educational programs, engage with the community, enhance organizational operations and resiliency, or provide for enhanced care of collections. | Deadline: November 15, 2024 | More information here.
Institute of Museum and Library Services | Grant Opportunities | There are several grant opportunities available from the IMLS that are due on November 15th, 2024. Click each link for more information on each opportunity. The 21st Century Museum Professionals Program supports projects that offer professional development to the current museum workforce, train and recruit future museum professionals, and identify and share effective practices in museum workforce education and training. The Inspire! Grants for Small Museums Program supports small museums of all disciplines in project-based efforts to serve the public. The program has three project categories: Lifelong Learning, Institutional Capacity, and Collections Stewardship and Access. The Museum Grants for African American History and Culture Program builds the capacity of African American museums and supports the growth and development of museum professionals at African American museums. The Museum Grants for American Latino History and Culture Program supports projects that build the capacity of American Latino history and culture museums to serve their communities and broadly advance the growth and development of a professional workforce in American Latino institutions. Museums Empowered supports projects that use the transformative power of professional development and training to generate systemic change within museums of all types and sizes. Museums for America supports museums of all sizes and disciplines in strategic, project-based efforts to serve the public. | More information here.
National Endowment for the Humanities | Save America’s Treasures Program | The Save America’s Treasures program supports the preservation of nationally significant historic properties and collections that convey our nation’s rich heritage to future generations. | Anticipated deadline: December 15. | Application and information.